Golshifeth Farahani appeared in the front of French camera posing nude. Although the content of the photo shot was not meant to be sexual, it created so much accomotion in Persian community. Golshifeh was able to break the old taboo of Iranian women as being covered or segregated in our society to the most progressive state of art in a sense of European standards. The transition that was brave, dramatic, and indeed it was culturally revolutionary. It is commonly called “Paradigm shift”.
We are entering into the new era of Iran’s history where woman is able to pose naked in front of camera. The recent picture of Golshifteh Farahani has been shot in black and white. The scenary is evocative of the movie Schindler’s list where the jewish women were lining up for the gas chamber. Casts appears depressed or rather emotionlly num while the shots were taken. Main objective of the artist appears to be state of art rahter than human sexuality.
There is a profound change in a fundamental moral or perception of events that we call it “Paradigm shift” and Golshifteh is the leader of this cultural revolution. Eventually a new paradigm is formed, which gains its own new followers, and an intellectual “battle” takes place between the followers of the new paradigm and the hold-outs of the old paradigm. In light of dominate misogynistic culture of the Islamo -fascist shedding fears over our country, the act of Golshifteh could be well revolutionary which promotes Iranian women liberation. My kudos.