Crown Prince Reza Submits Report to the United Nations Security Council

Today I am submitting the following report to the United Nations Security Council on crimes against humanity, ordered by Mr Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, and carried out on the people of Iran. The focus of the attached “Report on Crimes Against Humanity Committed in Iran on the Orders of Mr. Ali Khamenei – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran” are the crimes against humanity committed to suppress popular dissent after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s fraudulent re-election in June 2009. The evidence in this report provides sufficient cause for the United Nations Security Council to take up this matter and refer it quickly to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.  However, for the past thirty-three years, the Supreme Leaders of the Islamic Republic have had in place a policy and record of oppression against ethnic communities and religious minorities. I intend to file further supporting reports documenting the abuses of these Iranian citizens and will summarize these crimes in another report. 


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