NIAC-Ollah-ism is a newly discovered mental degenerative disease. Early research results suggest that it is caused by a combination of old age, great love for money, a highly inactive (mental and physical) lifestyle and hatred for work, prolong (33 years or more) period of stay in USA except for occasional trips to Iran for “official business”.
You suffer from NIAC-Ollah_ism if:
1) You suddenly think that ahmadinezhad is cute and start fantacizing being his “right hand man”, mashai..
2) You start adoring anything swedish; from ABBA to IKEA to VOLVO to Trita parsi (well, kinda swedish, swedish on the paper only)
3) you love chelokabaab, washed down with multiple servings of sandis for breakfast , lunch and dinner.
4) you call your 8 year old son a member of AIPAC, Zionist, Neocon, warmonger, for refusing to eat his swedish meatball for dinner .
5) You accuse the arab cab driver who overcharged you of being a jewish, a Mossad agent.
6) You get arrested for walking naked in the middle of the night in below zero temperatures of bay area, whilst chanting Hari TP, Hari TP, Hari TP, Hari Hari…..,
7) You think TP is even more attractive than Ahmadinezhad.
8) You think that Khamenei is more attarctive than TP and Ahmadinezhad put together…
9) you think back to when you were 60 years of age, with fond memories a by gone youth….
10) You are fascinated with the Cults and want to end your life cmmitting mass suicide with other cult members in middle of a camp in texas