The NIAC Lobby behaving badly toward its detractors is nothing new, not only it has sued one; it habitually ignores uncomfortable legitimate questions from others, labeling them as Mujahedin cult members, neo-cons and warmongers.
There is no need to search long and hard to see the latest display of this strange behavior of the NIAC lobby which enjoys tax exemption by claiming to be an “educational” entity, it comes in the form of reaction to a book review.
The lifetime president of the NIAC Lobby has published a book. The Wall Street Journal has published a review of it; the NIAC Lobby does not like the review, an official of the NIAC Lobby publicly labels the reviewer as a terrorist cult supporter.
Right on cue, the NIAC Lobby Cyber Centurions (CCs) come in with their support of their beyond-criticism-lifetime-president/Leader.
As asked in another blog, the NIAC Lobby is acting very much like a cult, if not, how does it differ from one?