Iran gives up 64% of her oil, in exchange for Russian support in the face of domestic and foreign opposition

In yet another humiliating deal, Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has agreed to surrender to the Russians a significant parcel of the newly discovered reservoirs of oil and natural gas in Iran’s Caspian waters, in exchange for Russia’s support.  Based on the agreement a garrison of 80,000 Russian soldiers will have permission to penetrate Iran’s soil as far as 70 kilometers south of Anzali Harbor, under the pretext of protecting the resources, but in reality Ayatollah’s regime.

A similar contract had previously been entered into by both sides in 2008, signed by Massoud MirKazemi, Iranian oil minister at the time and his Russian counterpart.  The contract included a military clause in an addendum signed by Iranian General Firoozabadi on behalf of Ayatollah Khamenei and a Russian Naval Commander.


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