In memory of Muhammed-Reza Ali Zamani and Arash Rahmanpour

Two years marking the death of Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani and Arash Rahmanpour. Both young men were arrested following their participation in the mass demonstrations of 2011 and charged with being members of the Kingdom Assembly of Iran, established by its great Froud Fouladvand. Ali Zamani and Rahmanpur of threatening to blow up a court room and even being trained to commit chemical warfare againt the regime in perhaps one of the fantastic fabricated charges ever concotted by the Islamic Republic. Zamani but not Rahmanpour  was confirmed as having been in contact with the Kingdom Assemly and phoned in to its sattelite TV programme which alerted the IR Terrorist security forces to his activities. 

The Kingdom Assembly is commiitted to the removal of the IR Terrorist Regime through non-violent means and calling for Iranians to renounce Islam and to embrace their pre-Islamic heritage. Froud Fouladvand, also missing and presumed murdered by the IR Terror security forces, was allegedly abducted with his companions following his decision to leave his headquarters in the United Kingdom and to returm to Iran in his campaign to liberate Iran from the scourge of Islam. The IR Terrorists have blamed the Kingdom Assembley for what it considers terrorist attacks in Iran despite the fact that the group operates on a small budget and uses a makeshif home to launch its small television broadcast. The group is not affiliated with ‘Shahzadeh’ Reza Pahlavi and do not support him as the future monarch of Iran. The IR has singled out the Kingdom Assembly for its unabashed way in which it regularly challenged the sanctity of Shia Islam .Fouladvand would often read from the Koran in fluent Arabaic and made reference to Arabic text of the period revealing Shia saints such as ‘Ali’ and ‘Hussein’ as charlatans and murderers. The Kingdom Assembly was the fist ever organisation which broke the taboo of reverence for Islam which left the IR and its Muslim apologists reeling in anger. 

Both men were humiliated in the mock trials presided over by IR hanging judge Abolhassem Salavati follwoing the violent clampdown of the demonstrations in 2009 and like most prisoners were forced to undergo televised confessions under physical and mental duress. 
Mock Trial of Rahmanpour

Both young men were executed on 28 January and denying them the chance to speak to their parents before being hanged. Rahamnpour’s father had heard about his son’s death through Al-Jazeera.


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