An election campaign built on terrorism? Welcome to Iran

Iranian nuclear threats and bomb plots might win popularity in Tehran, but they will backfire… the candidates who adopt the most uncompromising approach towards the West are the ones most likely to succeed. And, in a country that is no stranger to intimidation, a sure-fire way to win a few extra votes is to threaten the West…. Security officials tell me that, to strengthen his appeal with Iran’s voting public, Mr Khamenei has authorised the Quds force to conduct a new campaign of high-profile assassinations and other terrorist attacks. The authorities might not be prepared to acknowledge responsibility for the attacks in public, but back in Tehran Mr Khamenei would be more than happy to take the plaudits if one of the plots actually came off….. Iran’s politicians might think it fair game to bait the West in the run-up to the elections, but they should also be aware that, by using terrorism to win votes, they are playing with fire.          




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