The international apartheid system

With as much talk of war that is coming out of Israel and overt threat of military attack on Iran, one wonders how the situation and the international reaction would have been different if these two’s roles were reversed. Here are some of the facts and compare and contrast between the two evil regimes when it comes to the international affairs:

* There are countless UN resolution against both Israel and Iran, yet Iran has been targeted by sanction based on those UN resolution, Israel gets $3B annually of free money

* Iran is suspected of wanting nuclear weapon, Israel is suspected of already having nuclear weapon

* Iran has not invaded any nation, Israel has the record in modern history for the longest occupying force

* Iran sucks at international terrorism (alleged role in India, Bangkok, SA ambassador in US, etc.), Israel has been very effective and successful in international terrorism (Alleged role in Iranian scientist, Hamas political leader in Dubai, etc.)

* Iran is a dictatorship without any legitimacy with its people, Israel is an apartheid yet democratic system.

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