A Timeline of Iranians and Oscars Nominations

A Timeline of of Iranians and Oscars Nominations
(Hopefully have not missed anyone)

Habib Zargarpour – Best Visual Effects – TWISTER – 1996

Darius Khondji – Best Cinematography – EVITA – 1996

Hossien Amini – Best Adapted Screenplay – THE WINGS OF THE DOVE – 1997

Majid Majidi –  Best Foreign Language Film – CHILDERN OF HEAVEN – 1998

Habib Zargarpour – Best Visual Effects – THE PERFECT STORM – 2000

Shohreh Aghdashloo – Best Supporting Actress – THE HOUSE OF SAND & FOG – 2003

Kami Asgar – Best Sound Editing – APOCALYPTO – 2007

Marjane Satrapi – Best Animated Feature – PERSEPOLIS – 2008

Emud Mokhbari – Best Animated Short Film – OKTAPODI – 2009

Asghar Farhadi – Best Foreign Language Film – A SEPARATION – 2012

Asghar Farhadi – Best Original Screenplay – A SEPARATION – 2012

Proud of them all and best of luck to Mr. Asghar Farhadi & all other nominees on Sunday, Feb 26, 2012!

Recent news coverage of “A Separtion”:
ABBANIBI – Israeli / Jewish Entertainment and Culture Newswire: www.abbanibi.com/blog/iranian-americans-view-of-its-oscar-nominee/

HINDUSTAN TIMES: www.hindustantimes.com/Specials/Entertainment/Osca…

LA TIMES: http://theenvelope.latimes.com/awards/oscars/la-ca-oscars-iranians-20120226,0,2184651.story 

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