Exiled Crown Prince campaigns to bring ‘Arab Spring’ to Iran

Irans’s exiled Crown Prince has launched a campaign to rally political exiles behind an ‘Arab Spring’-style demand for free elections and a new constitution.


Reza Pahlavi, the son and heir to the last Shah, wants to revive the opposition by uniting critics of the regime behind a common platform. He sees Friday’s elections for the Iranian Majlis, or parliament, as an opportunity.

Calls for a boycott are circulating widely inside the country and activists hope to push the turnout to a record low.

There have also been warnings from hardliners that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was prepared to use the interior ministry to rig the ballot boxes.

“I believe we can find unanimity among a diverse group of forces for the elimination of a system in which the regime tries everything to claim legitimacy,” the prince said.



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