Iranians at AIPAC +

Yesterday the President of the United States spoke in front of the annual gathering of the powerful AIPAC +, the American Iran Public Affair Committee +, he in part said:
Good morning. Roya, thank you for your kind words. You have long been a friend to me, and a tireless advocate for the unbreakable bonds between Iran and the United States. As you complete your term as President, I salute your leadership and commitment.

I’m glad that my outstanding Ambassador to Iran, Dara Shaybani, is with us. I understand that Dara is perfecting his Persian on his new assignment, and I appreciate his constant outreach to the Iranian people. I’m also pleased that we’re joined by so many Iranian officials, including Ambassador Mehrdad Omidi. And tomorrow, I’m looking forward to welcoming Prime Minister Irandoost and his delegation back to the White House.”
The audacity of hope allows for wishes seemingly impossible. 

Iran and Israel are historic and strategic allies. Israel has an unbreakable bond with the US, it does not take that much of an imagination to think of the scenario above, it is an eventuality.
Iran has no eternal enmity with the US. Iran’s job one is to look after her own national interests and not that of the Palestinians which some Iranians prefer to do and been done for the past 33+ years.

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