Cartoon “Simin’s Savushun” in Memory of Simin Daneshvar کارتون : سووشون برای سیمین
Today on the International Women’s Day an iconic Author from passed away.
Simin Daneshvar سیمین دانشور, best know for her Novel “Savushun” سووشون(“Mourners of Siyâvash,” 1969–more correctly pronounced Suvashun), finally joined her husband Jalal Al Ahmad, who was also an iconic author.
I believe Siavash, the epitome of innocence in Persian Mythological literature is mourning today.
I am reminded of one the most memorable lines from her Book,
Savushun, is a poem that a character, Mc Mahon, recties consoling Zari
(the female protagonist and Heroine):
“Do not cry sister. A tree will grow in your house and others in your
city, and even more in your land. And the wind will convey the message
from tree to tree, ‘Did you see the dawn on your way?’”
In Persian,
«گریه نکن خواهرم، در خانهات درختی خواهد رویید و درختهایی در شهرَت و
بسیار درختان در سرزمینت. و باد پیغام هردرختی را به درخت دیگر خواهد
رسانید و درختها از باد خواهند پرسید: در راه که میآمدی سحر را ندیدی؟»
Original Cartoon posting and Discussion on FACEBOOK—–>
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