It was only a matter of time before the “Empty nest” came to pass. After all, as parents it is our responsibility to do our best to get our little birds ready for their solo flight. Creating one’s own personal and professional life is part of that responsibility. It allows our children to go forth without worrying about us.
After all, being solo for the first time will be a hard adjustment for them as well. Yes, they will come to visit. One will go and visit them. The dynamics of the relationship changes. They are adults after all. When the urge to mother them (in my case) gets too strong, I need to step back and breathe.LOL
Now, if they ask for advice then it is an entirely different matter. However, the advice must be a way to guide them into making their own decisions. Even if we don’t necessarily agree with it. I certainly don’t want to be channeling my parents.
I must say that it does feel rather nice to receive an invitation from one’s son to have a meal with them. I am very blessed in that my youngest son’s girlfriend and I get along very well. I will do my best to be a good person to her.
It is very quiet around my place. It is cleaner too. I have more time on my hands on the weekends now. I buy less groceries and you can see the difference in my refrigerator.
I was surprised! No, in awe of one of my sons this past week. He actually saved the life of his bestfriend. I kept looking at him. Ok, I was staring at him. Looking at the man that he has become. He risked his life to save the life of another. Amazing!