FYI – I am writing this bolg with my little puppy sitting on my lap. So, have you ever wondered why Islam considers dogs “najes” and prohibits having them around? Well, according to Dr. Fouladvand, it goes back to when Mohammad and his new Muslim mafia were just a little band of brigands in the Arabian Desert. Apparently, their modus operandi was to attack caravans that had camped overnight in the desert, Mohammad having declared their personal property “halal” to his band of marauders. The caravans usually had dogs as security against animals and thieves (Mohammad being a thief) and use to keep them around their overnight camps. Expectedly, most of the damage to the bandit crew of Mohammad and his mob was inflicted by the dogs when they attacked the resting caravans. And Mohammad, being a master of self serving fatwas, issued a fatwa declaring dogs dirty and worthy of death, just so that he can steal in peace. Naturally, the blind faithful have followed the edict ever since.
I also have another theory of my own. Islam cherishes violence and death. Dogs give you unconditional love, and love is frowned upon by Islam. So, they want to avoid it as much as possible. See, the logic must have been that if you have a dog at home that gives you love and affection, you may be less likely to strap two kilos of C-4 to your chest and blow yourself up in a bus loaded with women and children. And in the old times, it may have made you less likely to decapitate 800 people in one day—and then brag about it.
My suggestion to everyone: get a dog. It’s worth every dollar of expense and every moment of effort you put into taking care of it.