Iran official: Only faint chance of war breaking in the Middle East
The Iranian official’s comments came a day after White House spokesperson Jay Carney said Wednesday that Iran could change its current international isolation… >>>
The Iranian official’s comments came a day after White House spokesperson Jay Carney said Wednesday that Iran could change its current international isolation… >>>
Israel must not dismiss in advance the diplomatic effort and treat it as redundant and hopeless. >>>
اجرای هر طرح و راهکاری در سوریه باید فارغ از فشارها و دخالتهای دیگران باشد و هرگونه خشونت در این کشور باید متوقف شود. >>>
For the first time in more than a year and a half, negotiators from Iran and the so-called P5+1 countries – the five permanent members
ما ز نادانی دراین دام بلا افتاده ایم خرمگس بگرفته و مُرغِ هُما بنهاده ایم هم ز نادانی کنون طبل جدایی می زنیم عمر وعزّت
Assemble in your thoughts every mobster film you have watched. For every gangster there is a loyal liutenant and enforcer. If in some warped fantasy
Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani, the world’s leading expert on the history of Iranian and Oriental arms. armour, firearms and traditional Iranian martial arts.See for example Dr.
The Tuesday deadline for the six-point peace plan brokered by U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan came and went. The murderous Battists bankrolled and assisted by