Astrology Report: Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 April

The Moon will move into Aries or Farvardin tomorrow afternoon. What does that do to the mood change?

The mood will change from intuition or reflective imaginative of Pisces to taking action and thinking about it later. You will identify to everything in a very objective way. You live in the now. You are a keen sportsperson.

As I mentioned in the last report Mercury moved into Aries yesterday. With the Moon there you will literally get ignition and it will be an electrifying start as they join up with Uranus. So you can be unconventionally unique.

Now, Uranus rules groups, networks, collective consciousness. So if you want to launch a media campaign or get some massive public relations excersize this is the moment to get that going. It is giving establishment a shake up as it makes a square to Pluto.

Check your electrics and all things digital. Got a new wild idea then do it now. Anything totally wild will do well. It is not often we get Mercury and Uranus together.

By Friday we have to watch out for anything to do with one-on-one relationship and the law as the Moon will oppose Saturn, as the Sun moves into Ordibehesht or Taurus.

Sun moving into Taurus is all about the “I have” or value in your life. A beautiful Grand Trine is forming with Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn.  A great practical Earthy force is upon us for a week. The world of I am has ended and we are now entering the world of what you have.

I put a copy in this blog’s comments.…

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