A short story about a reunion of five college friends; me and my buddies.
Warning: This story like my other blogs may not be suitable for everyone’s taste, so please out of respect for the freedom of speech and your moral values read something else instead. This way we will not get into back and forths and psychobabble in the comments section.
My college friends and I have been talking about a reunion for many years but for one reason or another we were not able to do it until a year ago when we finally got together for 2 days in Vegas. We had to do it during the week because Khosro needed to tell his wife that he was on a business trip! We got a 2-bedroom suite at a hotel and spent most of the time talking, hanging out by the pool and going to the buffets. What was really interesting about our conversations was the state of our romances and relationships with women. Here is a summary.
Sina was a graduate student when the rest of us landed on the campus in the great US of A. He took us under his wings and told us what courses to take and which professors to avoid. He used to pack us in his ’66 Mustang and take us to the billiard hall to play snookers. He was married to a beautiful blond from the Midwest. He had taught her how to speak Farsi, make Tahdig and serve tea properly. He was not political or anti-Shah by conviction but out of necessity. He used to have meetings at his house where the Marxists would gather and read books and strategize. He gave us the protection that we needed from the leftists and the Islamist who wanted to convert everyone to their way of thinking and as the result we were able to live our college lives the way the Americans did.
Sina and his wife got a divorce as soon as their kids left the house and went to college. She really didn’t give a good reason why she wanted to leave him. She just wanted to explore life on her own. She got into exercise and in a matter of months became an instructor of one of these trendy stuff. They had a friendly separation and split everything down the middle. Their kids are cool with it and try to spend the holidays equally with them. Sina is now having an affair with one of his neighbors!
Then there is Khosro. He was the odd one in college. He is a shy and quiet guy from one of the small towns in Iran and to this day still speaks English with a distinct accent. He got married for the Green Card and got a divorce after his drunken wife punched him in public! He married another blond and is still married to her. He doesn’t have a relationship with his wife and they try to stay out of each other’s way until their kid is grown and out of the house. He is into oral sex and giving pleasure to women anyway he can.
While we were in Vegas he showed us the pictures and the text messages from these lovely, church-going, god-loving married women from the heartlands of America that wanted to mix food and sex! Talk about asking him to do things with his tongue! I didn’t know that people in Kansas were like that!
Bobak is the one who married the Brazilian. He was the most handsome of our group. Right after school, he got a high profile job in New York and moved there. He met a beautiful Brazilian and married her when everybody was doing the Lambada. His motto in life was that he was going to marry a woman who was going to give everyone a hard on! Well she was exactly that; a high-maintenance, attention seeking, gorgeous and sexy Latina that thought that she was entitled to everything in life. She also refused to ever drive a Japanese car!
She never worked a day in her life and still wanted to go to clubs on Saturday nights and dance the night away. Bobak finally left her after the kids went away. He gave her the house and they agreed to a reasonable financial arrangement. He said that even his kids were surprised at how he tolerated her. Bobak is now dating his secretary.
Then there is Behzad who I have written about before. He is the one who after kicking the tires for many years finally went to Iran and married the trophy wife from north of Tehran; the kind with highlighted hair, pulled-back scarf and tight monteau. He has been kicked out of the master bedroom and sleeps in the guest room, takes showers at work, is both a mom and a dad to their daughter, has not had sex in the 21st century, and is now an accomplished outdoors cook because his wife doesn’t let him mess up the kitchen!
He was laid off last year after many years of loyal work at Corporate America but got a nice package and is ok for the time being. The biggest surprise is that his wife finally got a job as a pharmaceutical drug rep. and is making good money, but so far she has not made any contributions to the household finances. Her money is hers, his money is theirs! After all, it’s a man’s job to provide for his family!
And then there is me!
Here is Mesl-e-Goli by Ali Danial