The 2 Ugly Jews that Run Google (Joogle) – PERSIAN GULF FOREVER

The 2 ugly Jews that run Google (now renamed Joogle) won’t list the name of the Persian Gulf on their map service.  It gives you an idea why the overwhelming majority of Iranians do not care for two-faced Israeli snakes or Zionist sympathizers.  The United Nations’ directives are clear: “The full term‘Persian Gulf’ should be used in every case instead of the term ‘Gulf.’ ”  So, the two-faced Jew-snakes that run Joogle are full of it (and you know what “it” is). 

Microsoft’s Map Service BINGsays “Persian Gulf” (and it’s better than Google maps).  BING is awesome.  Surf the map of Iran on BING, check out the features; it’s really cool.

Youtube (owned by Joogle) is also on the decline; there are many better video services.  And here’s a list of search engines you can use instead of Joogle (some are also better):

 The Persian Gulf has a history of more than 5,000 years, the 2 ugly Jews that run Joogle have about 40 years of history each.  The Persian Gulf will continue to be around long after these kosher dildos are long gone, and Google as a company will lose out to competition (not even a big company can afford to alienate and offend 80 million customers).   What media headlines should read is: “Microsoft’s map service BING contains more historically accurate information than Google’s map service.” And: “Google loses 80million Iranian customers to appease a handful of illiterate Saudi princes and militant Jews.”  Does anyone actually believe that the public uses Joogle maps for directions to the PersianGulf?  That’s right, their services are not even that relevant. 

I have dropped all of my Joogle accounts, and I will not accept e-mail from Joogle.  Anyone e-mailing me from a Joogle account gets an e-mail back from me stating that I do not respond to e-mails that go through Joogle’s servers. 

Don’t let Joogle’s 2 horse-faced Jews bother you; those are faces only their mothers or hookers can love.  Plus, any company that plays politics with online data, in my opinion, can’t be trusted to keep private information private.

Stomp on the Joogle snake; I did.  



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