Threats of violence on and the site’s editorial policy

We received the following complaint (and photo), requesting clarification of’s editorial policies in permitting threats and innuendos of violence against individuals seeking to participate on the site.  Anyone is free to contact us about issues pertaining to site neutrality and censorship, and we will post the question if relevant to that topic irrespective of the political stance of the complainant.

Previously we posted related questions to the adminstration of, including inviting Misters Javid and Amin to an interview on this subject.  And we invited comment by the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) because the issue falls within their declared mission statement:

NIAC: Is meaningful civic participation and informed decision-making by Iranian-Americans possible on this site?

Opportunity for Mr. Javid and Mr. Amin to dispel reoccurring complaints about the bias and integrity of




[Name and Address withheld]

Dear CIM,

Can you please ask why it knowingly permits its site users to advocate acts of violence against the “family members” of Iranians and to openly advocate for the “Mujahedeen” (a group on the U.S terror watch list) while routinely censoring other users who have never uttered a single violent phrase? Why does evidence a policy of allowing violent threats against peoples’ families and why does the site promote a known terrorist group while censoring others?

The Mujahedeen was Saddam Hussein’s private army and helped Saddam carry-out a series of violent attacks against Iranians in the 1980s. 

I have included photos Thank you.  

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