Dealing Effectively With Iran Without War

An American friend of mine, an established poet, who also volunteers for the Middle East Peace Center has been working very hard to organize this event. I would like to share with you the information and invite those of us who can to attend.



“Dealing Effectively With Iran Without War”
Featuring Peter Beinart and Jamal Abdi
June 12, 2012 at 7:30 P.M.
Siegal College of Judaic Studies
26500 Shaker Blvd., Beachwood, Ohio 44122
Admission: $10.00

Peter Beinart is Associate Professor of Journalism and Political Science at City College of New York and political writer for the Daily Beast. His most recent book is titled “The Crisis of Zionism.” Jamal Abdi is Policy Director of the National Iranian American Council and is a frequent guest contributor in print, radio, and television, including appearances on NPR, BBC Radio, and Voice of America. This discussion will be moderated by Brian Amkraut, Siegal College provost, with ample time for audience Q&A. The program is sponsored by the Cleveland Peace Action Education Fund.

Over many years, the US and Iran have been unable to negotiate a mutually secure peace agreement, especially on the nuclear issue. Many questions

surround the looming difficult choices. Would an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities by Israel derail, delay, or motivate Iran’s nuclear program? What would be the likely consequences of such an attack for Israel, the U.S., and relations between the countries? What kind of sanctions and negotiations with Iran are likely to provide verifiable and sustainable agreements in a reasonable time frame? These and other related questions will be discussed at a program titled “Dealing Effectively With Iran Without War.”

The public is invited to bring their questions and concerns to the conversation.
For info call Cleveland Peace Action @ 216.231.4245

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