The fascinating world in 2030 in the west, OR instead, one phalange or two up your a$$ to clean up

Some time ago, my Dad jokingly told me that while the west had gone to the moon and back, the most pressing question in Khomeini’s book was how much to stick your finger up your butt in order to clean every bid of feces to be “paak”.  That is why I cannot help but grin (poozkhand, more like it) and remember my Dad’s wise words when I see videos of the sermons by the 7th centurions on the benefits of eating Mohammad “bol” (last week’s featured video) or how Ali’s forehead was noorani.

Contrast the above with what is happening in the west in “seeing” the center of our galaxy’s super massive black hole, MIT’s camera with a trillion frames/second speed or how the computer speed doubles every 18 months.  Nevermind the religious nuts, where is all this technology taking us?  Professor Michio Kaku, in the following video, takes us to 20-100s years from now in a spectacular journey that some of us are fortunate enough to see while others will not.  Prof. Kaku is a specialist in the String theory of unification who is also a host of a Science Channel series on his recent book “Physics of the Future: How Science Will Change Daily Life by 2100.  The video you will see takes about one hour and takes you on a fascinating jouney into the future.  A couple of short sections have been blocked by Youtube due to copyrights, but that does not take away from the quality of the talk/slides.  So, reserve an hour, take a glass of wine & cheese, beer with pistachios if you must, fast forward to 5:30 minute, and enjoy.

“The World in 2030” by Dr. Michio Kaku


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