There is NO Extreme Islam, Moderate Islam, light Islam, Mellow Islam, Progressive Islam, a kinder and Gentler Islam, Traditional Islam, Islam Rahmaany, Islamic Renaissance, Democratic Islam, and if you believe Islam Naab Mohamadi. Or the recent buzz coming from nefarious degenerated Haji Dabaagh-Sorush—MY Islam!! Or YOUR Islam?!
Before putting a ton of lipstick on the same stinking pig there is a serious need to think, and think deeply. Islam is the words of a deity invented by Arab war lords some 1500 years ago for political expediency and turf protection. Words of god, the supreme omnipotent and omniscient creator of BANDEH-HAA and obedient slaves is not questionable, cannot be challenged or changed. All god’s words are collected in a book covering 30 chapters and 114 Sureh and none of these words are conditional, they are all absolute and final. Find out what is in there, read it! Although it is hard to find a copy with TRUE and literal translation in FARSI, after all this is perhaps another INSULT because god speaks and understands only Arabic which most of us don’t get it!
Bandeh, aka, an slave, has no right to question or interpret, for his or her own satisfaction, the directives and ORDERS of his creator. Religion does not create a free thinking human being; religion creates slaves, Bandeh, and Abd-ol-Laah. A true BANDEH ultimate goal is to satisfy his god, he/she accepts being a slave in the prison of IMAAN. The only thing that BANDEH must do is to OBEY to make his god happy. Any challenge, question, or interpretation is subject to the most violent and barbaric punishments—ask a Moslem what is the punishment for a MORTAD and the case is closed.
Islam is more than an ideology, it is a destructive manifesto, ORDER OF HOW TO LIVE YOUR LIFE, designed for not the supremacy of proletarian and MOSTAZ-AFF, but supremacy of a few self-appointed, Imams, Ayatollah Ozmaa and the crony peddlers of “Omeed Supermarket.” They talk for god, on behalf of god, the have the right to define and interpret the words of god (you don’t!) Funny thing is that NON OF THEM seems to be in agreement as to what their Master god did really say!!
For nearly 1500 years BANDEH is conditioned to believe that he cannot have direct contact with his god, his god is a mysterious untouchable thing. The only way to connect with the creator is through SELF-PROCLAMIED representatives on this earth. Since his invention god apparently had approved the appointment of about 124000 senior representatives, aka, Peyaambar, a number of Khalifeh and Imam (14 of them in the last count) and countless number of Aakhoond and Aakhoond-Che. The number of PAYGHAMBARS god has approved of is about 83 per year!! A good indication of god’s absolute belief that all of his BANDEHs/slaves are a bunch of idiot moron and mind-less GOOSFAND who definitely and constantly need a CHOOPAAN or RAHBAR to TELL them what to do, god knows these idiot jack-asses are not capable to THINK and decide for themselves. In the prison of IMAAN and JEHAALAT where free thinking and self-determination is forbidden, these sheep must be guided till the day that the lost child Imam decides to show up from where ever he is hiding and then he becomes the leader of the flock.
Well, it looks like the herd must wait some more for the D-Day to come and the world is also changing rapidly. There is a lot, more than anything that can be imagined is at stake- POWER AND MONEY, in a monstrous Titanic size quantity! Imagine hundreds of billions of petro-dollars yearly and a couple of Nuclear Bombs as CHAASHNY!—YOU, yourself become the god!!
The Religious Supermarket sell a very scarce and precious commodity that all people desire and that is HOPE. Like a master charlatan or magician, they create the illusion of BEHESHT, Hoori, Kowsar Water, Eternal Life, Promise Land, After-Life, and meeting and becoming a neighbor of god’s chosen elite in after-life!–Happiness FOREVER!! DO AS I SAY IF YOU WANT THE BEHEST AND HOORIES, DON’T AND YOU WILL BE BURNED FOREVER IN HELL.
There have been many of these despicable charlatans in history, each one with a huge bag of skullduggery. Among the most recent ones the notorious hate mongering, the MODERN charlatan of all times, Ali Shariaty, and a Toudeh Party card carrying member who after walking several times around a dark stone somewhere in Arabia, becomes a BORN AGAIN something—Jalaal all Ahmad, the tenebrous and truly fatuous ANN-telecttual, a disturbed man who somehow became the numinous leader of the, to begin with, bankrupt Iranian left of all skin. This ANN-tetectual never visited or know much about WEST, but wrote the “Westoxication,” he argued we, the Iranians, need not use (sign dependency on the West) tractors and other “Western” technology!! Well, I guess he himself could be used as a Gaave to plow the land!
Wake up people to the reality, the intoxicated opiated ommat is in mass hysteria, the brotherhood of the sans-culottes WILL KILL YOU, that is how they can continue the reign of terror. EXPOSE, wake them up, and have no FEAR!