MYSTIC RED: Shahbanou Farah & Controversial French philosopher Roger Garaudy (1977)

Convicted for Holocaust denial in 1998, the controversial French philosopher Roger Garaudy has died at the age of 98. A dissident communist, converted to Islam, Garaudy initiated the institute for a Dialogue of Civilizations which subsequently created an Iranian branch. ( See Related BBC News)


Convicted for Holocaust denial in 1998, the controversial French philosopher Roger Garaudy has died at the age of 98. A dissident communist, converted to Islam by the mid 1970’s, Garaudy was amongst the scholars who along with Dariush Shayegan and Hossein Nasr collaborated to the creation of The Iranian centre for dialogue of civilizations in 1977 Under the Patronage of Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi.

Photos From Roger Garaudy’s Official Website Here


In English : Roger Garaudy in October 1977, with Iran’s Empress Farah Diba during the inauguration of the Iranian Institute for a dialogue of civilizations. The idea was initiated by Garaudy at 

Neufchâtel in 1974.

In French : Roger Garaudy En octobre 1977, avec l’Impératrice d’Iran, Farah Diba, lors de l’inauguration de l’Institut Iranien pour le Dialogue des civilisations, né de l’Institut International pour le Dialogue des Civilisations fondé par Garaudy à Neufchâtel en 1974


In English: Roger Garaudy, in Tehran with Lionel Jospin, on June 5th 1980, during a debate regarding the American Hostages.

In French: Roger Garaudy A Téhéran avec notamment Lionel Jospin, le 5 juin 1980,lors de la discussion sur les otages américains.

Al Jazeera (in Arabic) announces the death of Roger Garaudy :


Garaudy Convicted for Holocaust Denial in 1988 :

Roger Garaudy on a talk show on an East European TV talks about religion:






As the very first director of the Iranian Institute for the Dialogue of Civilizations, Iranian Philosopher Daryush Shayegan was Awarded The Global Dialogue Prize by Aarhus University, Denmark in 2009.

Global dialogue prize 2009: Dariush Shayegan, Aarhus University in Denmark: 

See Related Blog:

Daryush Shayegan Global Dialogue Prize Winner








Shah Ponders on Death in rare interview:

Shah Admonishes The Working Class: “Stop Praying All Day and Roll Up Your Sleeves” :

During a speech ( exact date, location ? ) at a public gathering of workers, University teachers and industry entrepreneurs, the Shah of Iran deplores the shortcomings in terms of qualified executives and insists on the importance of developing the nation’s technical schools instead of sending workers abroad (to Federal Germany) for further training only to come back boasting about their qualifications only to sit behind a desk. He then criticizes those male traditionalists who refuse to work on days of religious mournings (aka”Azah Dary”) while their wives and or daughters (who normally work half the amount of time in the same companies) as a result often have to double their efforts in order to compensate for the delays.






French philosopher Roger Garaudy dies (bbc)

Controversial French philosopher Roger Garaudy has died at the age of 98.

An ex-member of the communist party, he converted to Islam in the 1980s. His 1996 book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics denied that the killing of Jews by the Nazis constituted genocide.

He was given a suspended jail sentence for Holocaust denial in 1998.

During the war Garaudy joined the French Resistance and later wrote more than 50 books – mainly on political philosophy and Marxism.

He was expelled from the French Communist Party in 1970 after criticising the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Born into a Catholic family, he initially converted to Protestantism before rejoining the Catholic Church and eventually embracing Islam.

Related Pictory:

GAUCHE CAVIAR:Charlie Hebdo Coverage on Shah (1975)

HOLOCAUST A MYTH: Michelle Renouf on Iranian SAHAR TV


Related Blogs:

Daryush Shayegan Global Dialogue Prize Winner

Shah Admonishes The Working Class: “Stop Praying All Day and Roll Up Your Sleeves”

Shahbanou Farah’s Tribute to Shoja’eddin Shafa

Fereidoun Hoveyda’s Very Last Interview for Iran’s Oral History Project

Other Related Blogs :

LA GRANDE LIBRARIE: Daryush Shayegan on French Talk show

HISTORY OF IDEAS: Georges Dumezil, on Indo European languages and Myths (Apostrophes,1984)

MISTER “Z”: Meeting Costa Gavras For “Une Journée à Tehran”

HISTORY OF IDEAS: Jean Paul Sartre on Freedom and Existentialism (BBC)

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