Astrology Report for 28-30 June 2012 Sun in Cancer or Tir, Moon in Scorpio or Aban.
The Moon has just moved from Mehr or Libra to Aban or Scorpio. For two days you needed to think about mutual interests. Matters of love and legal or joint matters were important. It was important to think about matters and I listed the different areas for each sign.
With Moon in Scorpio you need to look at the joint physical assets. It starts with the purely physical attraction and ends with trusts taxes and loans. Don’t hold back on finding the truth. Lies will be hard to say and people will share their deepest feelings. Do not think about your bank account. Plan your pension.
If you look at the link above you will see that the Moon is making good aspects to the Sun and Neptune. We have a strong emotional energy now. Neptune will give you all the imagination you need to use to carry out your research. Travel in your mind. Dream.
The Moon is also making a great angle as it is in the area of expression, luck, sport and speculation. So Euro 2012 and Wimbledon are going to get really fired up. So really go and try new endeavours. Pick up the quill and write. Get up and act or make a public speech. Just do it. Go with your intution and feelings.
Now let’s look what planets have changed. The Moon is making it a little awkward to get in touch with people as it is making 90 degrees to Mercury in the area of personal finances.
It is good to see Venus is moving forward. So slowly the matters of the heart from previous old friends will come the fore.
Here is the break down for each sign:
Aries or Farvardin: passionate about joint assets. Those born in first ten days are going to be eccentric.
Taurus or Ordibehesht: passionate about love.
Gemini or Khordad: passsionate about work and need to make a lot of calls.
Cancer or Tir: passionate about taking chances and sport.
Leo or Amordad: passionate about home and past.
Virgo or Shahribar: passionate about thinking and contacting kin.
Libra or Mehr: passionate about personal finances.
Scorpio or Aban: passionate about yourself and get fit.
Sagittarius or Azar: passionate about humility. Reflection.
Capricorn or Day: passionate about politics and colleagues and club activities.
Aquarius or Bahman: passionate about your outlook and long term plans.
Pisces or Esfand: passionate about travel philosophy.