Tomorrow is the independence day, a day celebrated not only by those who live under and benefit from this event but all those around the world who cherish freedom from tyranny and self-determination.
4th of July is the birth of this nation by some very wise men who declared freedom, justice and pursuit of happiness for all and what they wrote, declaration of independence, perhaps wiser and more secret than Bible, Koran and Torah all combined together.
However, I don’t believe these wise men had intended to give birth to an empire with its military in every corner of the world with the deadliest weapon ready to kill at moment’s notice. It was July third 1988 when one of its mercenary units shot down a civilian airliner, flight 655, with 290 people aboard including 66 children whose lives were perished.
I do believe our forefathers are turning in their grave today before getting ready for their celebration tomorrow.
My condolences to the family of those lost in that crime and hope the Capitan of the ship rots in hell.
‘Hambastegi is the main key to victory’