ENTER THE DRAGON: Shah Greets China’s Party Chairman Hua Kuo Feng (1978)

Chinese Communist Party Chairman Hua Kuo Feng arrives in Iran, where he is met by the Shah of Iran, attends a ceremony at Shahyad Tower and later, a formal banquet. (circa,1978) (Source: persianrealm.com)

Shah of Iran Greets Chinese Communist Party Chairman Hua Kuo Feng:

(Video Courtesy : frauenatz







An interview with (former-)Chairman Hua Guo-Feng, from 1978 (i think). Chairman Hua was Chairman Mao’s handpicked successor, who was ousted from power by Deng Xiao-Ping and his group in aperiod lasting from December 1978-march 1981.

British Documentary and Interview on Mao’s Successor Hua Kuo Feng :

Part I :

Part II :

Part III :






Hua Kuo Feng the successor of Mao Zedong (1893-1976):

Hua Kuo Feng reads an eulogy about Chairman Mao, in Tiananmen Square, September 1976

Hua Guo-Feng dies 








As China was Opening up to the world, the 1970’s Kung Fu and Karate Craze was also to hit Iran in the decade that preceded the revolution of 1979. ‘Made in Hong Kong’ (then still a British Protectorate) and distributed by Hollywood Majors, Bruce Lee’s Box Office Hits influenced an entire generation fascinated by Martial Arts which was soon to become an Olympic discipline. 

Trailer to Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon (1973) :








Jun 25, 2012 Iran Annual China-Iran meeting to promote exchange, cooperation :

Related pictory:

pictory: Shahbanou Farah visits China’s Great Wall (1970’s)

DIPLOMATIC HISTORY: Farah and China’s Zhou Enlai ( ~1972-73 )

MODERNITY & TRADITION: Shah of Iran meets Japan’s Hirohito (1958)

IMELDA: Philippine’s First Lady Arrives at Persepolis Celebrations

Related Blogs:

ROYAL FORUM: China signs $7.5b deals with Juan Carlos’ Spain

OIL KING: Shah of Iran meets Henry Kissinger for Zurich Talks (1975)


Related Blogs on Imperial Iran and Communist States :

MYSTIC RED: Shahbanou Farah & Controversial French philosopher Roger Garaudy (1977)

Shah and Empress Farah visit Prague (1977)

TITO’s GHOST: Shah of Iran’s State Visits to Yougoslavia (1966 – 1973)

Other Related Blogs:

AIR FORCE ONE: Richard Nixon’s State Visit to Iran (1972)

Shah to Nixon on “Revolutions” vs “Evolutions” in Middle East (1969)

A MATTER OF LOYALTY: Richard Nixon Arrives in Cairo for Shah of Iran’s Funeral

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