I Just wanted to put a spot light on a woman of distinguished courage, acting Bravely and Reminding Iranians by example The Smart and Noble qualities that Iranians have within them.
I was reading this article today,


and was really impressed by this womans demands and reasoning.

It was very easy to relate to her, because she is taking on our communities cause. Her comments were direct and of great importance today, “I was incensed upon learning that Carleton University collaborated with the Iranian Embassy and gave a platform to regime supporters.”

“Ayatollah Khomeini is a man who is personally responsible for the death and torture of countless innocent Iranians.”

I’m still stuck grieving and saddened over Khomeini’s crimes and the worlds silent support & encouragement for them, at times I ruminate on this sad subject, though I am a Man, this Iranian woman is an inspiration for me because she has stepped out from the dark well of injustice and is literally reaching for the light and demanding Justice for those who literally can not demand it. One wonders how long real injustices can continue by the international interests who created this cruel situaton, when they are brought into the consciousness of some by this woman. Well Done, Ms. Afshin-Jam and Thank You.

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