Iranian Canadian community will stand side by side of Iranian Peaceful people
July 20, 2012
This house became a ruin
Since its breadwinner became an alien
If enslavement becomes the meaning of life
Death by a hundred times outweighs such a life
Fellow Compatriots
Noble and Free Iranians
While pensioners and students, among other sectors of the Iranian Canadian community, are still grappling with the problems caused by sanctions against Iran, they now have to contend with bank account closures as reported in the media. Also, the closure of the visa section of the Canadian Embassy in Tehran, in May, has caused numerous problems for tens of thousands of Iranian Canadian families who have families in Iran.
The Harper Government did not consult the Iranian Canadian community regarding any of the problems outlined above and has ignored the needs of the silent majority in our community. The majority of Iranian Canadians oppose the sanctions which have affected the livelihood and health of Iranian people as well as a section of the Iranian Canadian community.
We cannot enjoy the peace and security that Canada affords, and yet remain oblivious to the fate of our brothers, sisters, children, mothers, and fathers in Iran.
Today, the brave women and men of Iran, as their ancestors throughout its ancient history, are standing together in both good times and bad times and by their courage and wisdom are keeping Iran’s name alive.
Iranian people are moving forward in a determined and steadfast fashion, albeit fairly slowly, to assert their religious, political, and civil rights and liberties in our beloved homeland, despite all the trials and tribulations. In doing so, they see no need to rely on foreigners, colonialists, and their opportunistic agents, who have only been responsible for destruction, division, and poverty in the society.
Interest groups and individuals who take advantage of the sanctions, which are not goal-directed, and who purport to represent the Iranian Canadian community and the Iranian people should understand that no noble and patriotic persons can stand by and watch the hunger and death suffered by others, especially by their compatriots. Political agendas hidden under the guise of human rights is in stark contrast to a humanitarian vision and liberty and sovereignty for Iran and its people.
Those who knowingly or ignorantly have their hopes placed in foreign powers should heed the failed attempts to bring democracy to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Such misadventures have resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and pillage of their countries’ oil and other natural resources, all in a game played by superpowers.
Iranian people have always suffered from both foreign powers, which never believed in the agency and ability of Iranian people for self-determination, and the pseudo-intellectuals who never felt Iranian people’s pain and suffering.
The majority of the Iranian Canadian community, as part of the peace-loving Canadian populace, would certainly favour a government in Ottawa that advocates for peace. The late Prime Minister Trudeau was a prime example who headed such a government, which welcomed immigrants from all over the world. The Iranian Canadian community will stand with the Iranian peaceful people, shoulder to shoulder with other Canadian communities
The majority of the Iranian Canadian community, as part of the peace-loving Canadian populace, would certainly favour a government in Ottawa that advocates for peace. The late Prime Minister Trudeau was a prime example who headed such a government, which welcomed immigrants from all over the world. The Iranian Canadian community will stand with the Iranian peaceful people, shoulder to shoulder with other Canadian communities
Farvardin Cultural Centre
A group of ppatriotic Iranians