In a loving memory of a great man in our modern history, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
32 years ago, on this day, July 27 1980, our Shahanshah passed away in Cario, Egypt. Our nation went through deep sorrow. Happiness left our country and has never come back till today. Our people experienced torture,death,war, famine and destruction of Iran, but they have never experienced happiness since shah left the country in winter of 1979.
According to ancient Persian mythology, the heart of shah is closely ties with the heart of the people. His sadness is nation sadness and shah’s happiness is nation’s happiness.
Under Shah’s smart leadership, Iranians were well respected around the globe including communist countries.
In Romania (1973) Shah was warmly welcomed. He received an honorable doctora degree from the hands of Romanian president for his high degree of intelligent and being good politician. Consequently, all Romanians respected Iranian people. Romania was a communist country in those days.
In France, upon death of Charles De Gaulle, Shah made a quick trip to France. In private session with De Gaulle’s widow which last 45 minutes, Shah compassinately comforted De Gaulle’s widow. He expressed deep sympathy of Iranian people to that lady. The event reflected in France media and state T.V. Consequently, French people respected Iranians very highly.
In U.K, No need for visa for Iranian people. For Iranians travelling to England was as easy as travelling to Shiraz from Tehran. Just take a plane ticket, jump in the plane and few hours later arrive to London. At the same time, Pakistani, Arabs, Filipinos ….;… chiness…… etc were standing in a long line in the front of British embassy begging for visa.
In Aparthied South Africa, The most racist country on the face of earth in those days, Because of Shah’s smart leadership, Iranians were classified as a “White”. They were receiving full previleges the same as white European counterpart. For example, after 6 p.m no Arabs, Pakistani, Indians, Asians were allowed to used bars, restaurants in down town area of Johansburg or Cape town. Only people by European ancestory or Iranians were allowed to hang out in those area. Public transportations such as buses, taxi were the same. White and none white. Iranians were receiving full previleges of white Europeans.
In Rhodesia, the same story, Indian, Arab and Asian kids should have travelled 40 miles out of the city to go to school. Iranian and European kids had the previlege to use the schools in the city area. Rhodesia changed the name to Zimbabwe in June 1979.
In U.S Nixon introduced Shah as a “Good friend”. Iranians were well respected in U.S.
Shah remains an important, historical figure whose memory is greatly cherished by Iranians. Nothing will ever erase the glorious role of Shah in our modern history. R.I.P our king.