Footage showing Mehdi Karroubi arriving in Tehran after being expelled from Saudi Arabia and a Morning Call archive photo showing him as the successor to Hashemi Rafsanjani.(Source:
DIPLOMATIC HISTORY: Mehdi Karroubi Expelled From Mecca (1987) :
Mehdi Karroubi, then Ayatollah Khomeiny’s representive to Saudi Arabia is humiliatingly expelled From Mecca and arrives back in Tehran ( along with Khatami in far background descending plane). He is greeted by Prime Minister Moussavi. Iraqi opposition leader Mohammed Bakr al-Hakim in exile in Tehran has warned that UK minehunters en route for the Gulf could be targets for Iranian retaliation.Meanwhile Mahdi Karrubi has just returned from Mecca where he has been representing the Ayatollah Khomeini. (circa 19/08/1987)
Video Description: IRAN LA Mahdi Karrubi (Ayatollah’s representative Tehran to Mecca) walks down steps from 747 Airport accompanied by others towards & is greeted at foot steps TCMS Karrubi walks R-L thru crowd TMS Karrubi kisses line welcoming men ZOOM IN & PULL OUT as crowd around & man in b/g starts to chant SOF INT TMS Mohammad Al Hakim (leader Supreme Council of Iraq’s revolution) seated at mike ZOOM IN TMS Three men seated on floor CMS Interpreter Speaking For AL HAKIM SOF (minehunters could cause retaliatory action) “If these — CMS Al Hakim — actions” NIGHT / EXT CMS ANDREW SIMMONS I/C SOF “It’s clear — whole world” + SIGN OFF Date: 19/08/1987
The Morning Call archive photo presents, Mehdi Karroubi , the new elected speaker of the Iranian Parliament who succeeds to Hashemi Rafsanjani. (Aug 16th, 1989)
CAPTION: TEHRAN, Aug 16 – KARRUBI SUCCEEDS RAFSANJANI – Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karroubi (spelled Karrubi) addresses Wednsday’s session of the Iranian Parliament after being elected speaker, replacing Hashemi Rafsanjani who was elected president last month. Karrubi, 52 is a Radical anti-Western cleric who a<dvocates the violent spread of the Islamic revolution. (AP LaserPhoto)(chz/tt41537IRNA>1989. From theMorning Call Archives
Mehdi Karroubi, then Ayatollah Khomeiny’s representive to Saudi Arabia is humiliatingly expelled From Mecca and arrives back in Tehran (Khatami in far background). He is greeted by Prime Minister Moussavi. (circa 19/08/1987)
Journalist from London Ali Reza Nourizadeh defends the reputation of the selected Green Leaders Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Moussavi on Shahram Homayoun’s LA talk Show (Feb 27, 2011)
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Related pictory:
DIPLOMATIC HISTORY: Mehdi Karroubi Expelled From Mecca (1987)
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