This is serious my Iranian friends. This is very serious. Your country is the next Horn of Africa. Please don’t ignore it and share it if you are a lover of Iran.
65% of Iran’s population is living in poverty.
This is the numbers published by the Islamic fascist Regime:
“Between 44.5 and 55 percent of Iran’s urban population lives under the poverty line, according to a new report titled “Measurement and Economic Analysis of Urban Poverty.”
In 1998 report IMF said 53% of Iran’s population lives i povrty. That was 1998.
Iran’s GDP per capita in 1975 was $1611 and in 1998 was $1275
USA GDP per capita in 1975 was $19364 and in 1998 was $29683
and Iran is a wealthy country in natural resources with educated population….Shame on Islamic Fascists…