The sad news of the terrorist attack against an assembly of Sikh worshippers in the US reminded me of those days in the ’80s when the Indian embassy in Iran advised the relatively sizable Sikh communities in various cities not to wear either black or white turbans, which would have made them potential targets of MEK militia members who were assassinating mullahs on an almost daily basis……….I only wonder what kind of instruction the Indian embassy in the USA can now issue for the safety of this community? ” Watch out for any ex-military bozo, specializing in psychological operations (hard to believe this part!) who looks like he has been raped by his mother’s numerous boyfriends and is now a white-trash racist”….or something like that?…..
Isn’t it funny that the government of the USA, instead of focusing on her own terrorist-ridden land is spending billions of dollars to rid the rest of the world of perceived terrorism……a psychological operation is in order indeed…….