Rogue banking with Ayatollahs in Iran

Standard Chartered faces Wall Street exit over Iran claims – Telegraph…

I have been shouting and screaming for thirty odd years, about banks that have been dealing with the Ayatollahs’ henchmen who have been slaughtering Iranians.

These banks have been doing business with United States. In 1979 whilst I was at Princeton University, I asked, why does the United States, deal with organizations, that deal with the Ayatollahs?

The Carter administration and then the Clinton administration, just turned a blind eye, as the mullahs made money, and used those funds to become the greatest threat to US after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

It all helped to fuel a massive arms buying spree, that made the Shah’s purchases like loose change. Who benefited? Well do I really need to state the obvious? It was the banks that provided the funds.

We don’t need to go very far in Iran, to see the lavish life style of the IRGC and their families. People used to criticize the Shahanshah’s men. But Ayatollah Khomeini’s colleagues are a lot worse. And to make matters worse, they are evangelical about it all.

So hopefully the likes of Standard Chartered and HSBC, will dim their exposure to the mullahs. The sanctions the mullahs have placed on the people of Iran has been sour enough. It is about time they were isolated. Time for them and their collaborators went to The Hague. Let us see some bankers put in the slammer.


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