I’d like to start today’s news by thanking Almighty God for once again choosing our beloved homeland to measure His people’s steadfastness and religious resolution………….. Yup, my Lord…………. You can see for Yourself that you might be able to shake our mansions and shacks as much as you want, but shaking our hearts and minds takes a lot more than a flimsy, negligible 6.something……………………. I’d also like to offer my prayers to those who are buried alive under not-so-visible rubble…………..
The only solace that I can offer to our friends comes, quite ironically, from the US……….. where another man of God might soon be able to take care of those spots missed by Elohim’s earthquakes……..
But let me tell you my friends…… Between a God who checks my heart and the one who is bent on checking my butt, I go with the Hearty One……….
Now on our usual subject of mundanity I offer this one as a good read……………I also find this one worthy of your attention……….and this one for the Facebook junkies……..
And to our beloved Azeri fellow-citizens, and all Iranian hamvatans throughout the world………….My heart goes out to those who were directly affected by this natural disaster….. we are all in it together……Your pain and loss is felt throughout our whole nation………..Azeris like other Iranian people have proved their strength and resilience throughout the history of our beloved homeland time and time again………I have no doubt that we’ll come out of this tragedy much stronger and more united……….