Vladimir Putin: «According to some studies Zoroastrianism was born on Russian Territory»

President Putin speaks to Iranian Journalists about Iran, Russia and ZoroastrianismThis interview was conducted during his first state visit to Iran in 2007. (Source: persianrealm.com)

In addition to the new Russian Tzar’s apparent infatuation for Iran’s culture and past, President Putin seems to also share something else with the clowns who are ruling the land of Cyrus and Darius and that is their common regional Policy towards Syria. Russia has been the first to offer it’s help to Iran’s government faced by the recent earthquake tragedy and Putin has sent his condolences to President Ahmadinejad (see Related Russian News)



President Putin about Iran, Russia and Zoroastrianism :


Vladimir Putin to Iranian Journalists: « I don’t consider myself a specialist of Persian literature, which I
regret, because everything I hear or learn is very interesting despite
being fragmented. This also concerns the history of Iran, a part of
world history. Iran is initially a world power that spread from the
near East to India, and even included some parts of the former Soviet
 Iran is a country of protoreligion, Zoroastrianism. Some specialist
consider it an eventual source of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
But according to some studies, Zoroastrianism was born on Russia’s
territory, in the south Urals. And followers of this great religion
ended up on the territory of Iran after a great migration. This is to
say that the histories of our two countries and the roots of their
cultural exchange are much deeper than can be imagined at first. That
gives security that our two countries will always be able to
communicate on any problem, since we understand one another. »


How to Say “I Love You” in Russian :




Robert Winston explains Zoroastrianism



Historian Robert Winston takes a look at the origines of the first and most ancient monotheist religion. 

Zoroastrianism Or Zarthushti is a very Old Faith in Iran.Many believe. Justice day and resurrection came from this religion to Judaism and Christianity. Robert Winston speaks about Zoroastrianism and (Zarathushtra) a prophet of Zoroastrianism.

The Story of God:






The late Iranian poet, historian, philosopher and constitutionalist Nader Naderpour explains how slogans such as “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” took root in Iran with the Islamic Revolution slowly replacing in the political rhetoric Persia’s traditional foes which initially were « Great Britain » and « Russia ».


Related pictory:

Mob storms Russian embassy in Tehran, Iran (1980)

pictory: Soviet Propaganda Film – Iran, Tabriz 1945-46

SOURCES OF FURY:Nader Naderpour on
origins of IRI’s “Death Slogans” towards US and Israel

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THE STORY OF GOD: Robert Winston explains Zoroastrianism

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