Astrology of Sun in Sharivar or Virgo and Moon in Esfand or Pisces 2012.

Astrology of Sun in Sharivar or Virgo and Moon in Esfand or Pisces 2012.

As I mentioned two weeks ago, if your birthday falls near the New Moon or Full Moon, important changes are in store. In a few hours time the Moon will enter Esfand or Pisces. Later it will become perfectly full. If your birthday is around now be ready for all the major changes.

By changes I mean love romance change of environment like moving house. These are considered big changes. Now if you birthday is just before the full moon, then career comes to play. If it is just after, then joint finances comes to play.

With Mars now in Scorpio or Aban it is will give a lot of energy and vitality to anyone born in the first week of Aban. I know our King Cyrus Reza Pahlavi is born on 9th of Aban and he will have a very powerful force with him. Funnily enough that madman Ahmadinejad is born around the same time and we should be hearing a lot of fireworks from him.

Mars will help all those wanting to put their passion in the arts. It is forming a great angle to Neptune. Later on the Moon will form a great angle to Venus in Tir or Cancer. Both will energise the world of arts. All forms of cultural activities will prosper.

Sun in Virgo right now making a very good angle to Pluto. So any form of creativity sports and risk is favoured. It is good to see Paraolympics starting now. Pluto is all about regeneration and immense feats are being accomplished in these games.

Mercury will be moving into Sharivar in a day or so. Mercury in Sharivar will benefit those born in Day and Ordibehesht in a practical way. All matters relating to business transactions will run smoothly.

Finally lucky Jupiter will highlight all careers and we all should get a real boost in the next day or so. So there is a lot of good positive practical energy around. Remember Sharivar wants you to do things in detail quietly and with extreme modesty and efficiently.

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