Why so much noise about Fred’s blogs and none about First Amendment’s blogs?!!

Here on IC, on a regular basis, we read blogs such as this that complain about Fred’s two blogs a day and the fact that they are featured on regular basis.  But I have been noticing that First Amendment also posts two blogs a day, all of which are also featured.  For example, since August 28, there have been 6 blogs by FA and 7 by Fred, all of which have been featured.  So, why don’t we hear the usual crowd, some of whom, like “Aynak,” claim that they are anti-IRI, complain about FA’s pro-IRI two blogs a day being featured?  Aren’t they all for fairness and opportunity for all bloggers to be featured?  So, why not complain about FA’s two featured blogs a day? Is it because they are full of crap and they are only mad at Fred because he embarrasses the IRI on a daily basis with well documented material?     

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