Big Bad Boo, the production company that made Babak & Friends – A First Norooz is releasing the sequel this week entitled Mixed Nutz Volume 2 DVD. This DVD contains three new episodes from Mixed Nutz, which is a multicultural show that aired on PBS. These episodes are Bollywood Dreams, Obsession and Food For Thought. The episodes are hilarious and here are the content of each one:
Episode 4: “Bollywood Dreams”
Love and politics never mix. Sanjay learns this first hand when he falls in love with his teacher during class elections.
He is too busy imagining her in romantic Bollywood movies, instead of paying attention to the voters. In the end, the more responsible party wins and Sanjay realizes where he went wrong.
Episode 5: “Obsession”
Jae becomes obsessed with winning the junior golf championships, as Damaris becomes obsessed with germs and cleanliness.
They learn the value of moderation, and enjoying the tasks at hand without getting too caught up in them.
Episode 6: “Food For Thought”
While working at a rummage sale, the kids share with each other what they would like to be when they grow up. Cowboy, Mad Scientist, Superhero, Astronaut!
You can get the DVD on – here is the link…
The DVD is in Persian and English and a great way for kids to learn Farsi – as with all the other DVDs.