I had no idea who Mona was, until I was out of Iran, in England , as a student in late 1980’s. I heard about her from a Baha’i classmate, whom I met only because I was offered to share a room with him at university dorms (or “halls of reseidence” as they call them over there). I was very reluctant to share a room with him once I learnt he was a Baha’i, but that is another story for another time perhaps.. Suffice to say, I only agreed to share the room with him because renting a room outside college dorms in Central London would have been a very expensive proposition, even during late 1980’s.
Well, I never became a Baha’i. In fact I became an athiest, but that’s another story….. But my attitude towards baha’i folks changed forever.
For now, I’d just like to share this video clip Of Mona with you, which explains to some degree my later change of attitude towards our Baha’i compatriots.