Provided the fact checking is evenhanded and accurate, the just launched “” by NIAC lobby is a much-needed endeavor and has to be commended.

However, in light of the recent federal court ruling against NIAC lobby and its lifetime president, Trita Parsi, it seems the fact checking has to begin much closer at home.

There are many well documented legitimate unanswered questions about the lobby and its lifetime president which NIAC lobby refuses to clear up.

Iranian-Americans do need a voice in America, NIAC Lobby could be it, but, it has to come clean about its genesis and murky activities, otherwise, questions and doubts dogging it now will continue doing so, tainting even its worthwile activities like “”

BTW, NIAC Lobby is wrong about at least one of its fact checks. “Iran has never threatened to use nuclear weapons.”

Rafsanjani has explicitly done so in a Friday prayer on Dec. 2001, here.

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