Astrology of Sun in Mehr or Libra and Moon in Khordad or Gemini 2012.
I hope you took care of your finances and personal assets, when the Moon was in Ordibehesht or Taurus, in the past couple of days. You should have discovered the value of things. You should have established your self-worth.
What happens next you ask? Well now is the time to talk to others, and spread your sense of self-worth. Talk to people about those values you discovered. You know what you are, now go and get the word out. Make short trips. Get on that phone. Tweet. Shout. Don’t be quiet. Natter!
This is the time to really chatter. And tomorrow evening it is that once a month really lucky moment, when Jupiter (Ohrmazd) lines up with the Moon. Really look around and reason with people. Be a Gypsy and make lots of short trips.
As I just wrote in the Venus in Virgo report, dry boring cynical love is upon us. I know a lot of Virgos, and this is the moment for them. You like to have a cynical fussy relationship, now is the time. The relationship based on what it is not, more than what it is. Bloody nightmare. No imagination works. Expect very logical responses. “Darling I am going to buy you some flowers”, then she says “make sure they are not. …. ” (and they give you a list a mile long)
Mercury is going to be getting into some interesting positions. It is going into Scorpio and joining up with Saturn that is going into Scorpio for a long time. So we are all going to be making secretive, passionate, ooh sexy, conversations. Talk of taxes, debt. Talk about very long term deals. Saturn in Scorpio is all about getting to grips with deep passionate bonds. This is the state of affairs for the next three years.
Scorpios, your moment of responsibilty has arrived. Our King will finally rise to authority. Yes, Saturn will make him pragmatic. Ya Ahura make him get on with things now, with less talk. Iran will suffer very bad financial doldrums. A lot of deep resentments will be finally settled. This happens once every thirty years. So here we go. We are there.