Iran arrests 16 ‘main players’ in currency crisis –’…
For thirty years I have watched and read Iranian correspondents help the Ayatollahs. First they use the word “Iran”, like Shirzad has, when they jolly well know, that these criminals are not Iranians. They are part of a new country or a world order based on Shiite Caliphate.
I think the reasoning is that, if you do not put the word “Iran” in the title, then it will be too complicated. It will not look neat. What a load of rubbish. Everyone can work out the ins and outs of the situation in Iran.
This article makes one other very big mistake. It makes the Ayatollahs look good. How? Well, it says that they were successful in stopping the brave people who stood up to the criminal regime in Iran.
If we had all the new corresponds describe the regime the way the regime describe itself, the situation in Iran would be solved. The mullah press does not ever refer to Iran. They recognize an Islamic theocracy only.
So who really benefits from this misinformation? The answer is those people who want the mullahs to appear as if they represent 70 million people and are a massive thread. Well they don’t represent Iranians, and they are not much of a threat. Who are they? The Israelis, US neocons, and arms salesmen for Arabs.
For years I have been asking the people of Iran to build up on food stocks and go on a national strike. The talk of it will be enough to sent shivers in the bazaar and shake the mullahs. What happened in the bazaar is tiny compared to what I propose, and it still grabbed headlines. Imagine CNN putting a positive spin on it, to keep the momentum going.
The mullahs cannot arrest 70 million people sitting quietly in the homes for a few days. Iranians can get rid of them with silence. It is the most graceful way to get rid of them. But will these disgraceful correspondents ever mention this? Khejalat bekesheen!