ONCE A KING: Crown Prince Reza Takes Oath as « Roi de Jure » in Cairo (Oct 31st 1980)

October 31st, 1980, A few Months after his father’s death, an emotional but determined Reza Pahlavi holds a Press conference in Cairo where he  assumes the Responsibilities as “Roi de Jure” aka “King Apparent” upon his 20st birthday.(Source: persianrealm.com)


Part I :

Part II :



Shah’s Last Will



Shahbanou Farah reads out the Shah’s Last Will :

Related Blog :

THE HOLLOW CROWN:Upon Obama re election ‘Citizen Pahlavi’ must partially step out of political arena

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ONCE A KING: Crown Prince Reza meets diaspora journalists in Portland Oregon (1990’s)

ONCE A KING: Shah’s Son Banned From Entering West Germany (1987/88)

Crown Prince Reza and followers in London (1989)

ONCE A KING: Reza Pahlavi Meets Compatriots as «Roi de Jure» Reza Shah Dovom (1991)

IRANIAN SOLIDARNOSC: Crown Prince Reza’s First Public 
Rally in exile at the LA Stadium (1992)

PRINCE OF PERSIA: Crown Prince Reza on Human Rights German
TV & Diaspora Media (1993/1995)

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