Ericsson hunting down Iranians

In the wake of the bloody post 2009 “election” crackdown in Iran, the role of cell-phone eavesdropping and tracking technology in hunting down dissidents by the regime came to light.

It was revealed Nokia-Siemens along with Ericsson had supplied the technology, which the Islamists used to arrest and torture countless number of Iranians.

Later the names of other suppliers of the deadly technology were revealed, among them, Creativity Software in Britain, Adaptive Mobile Security in Ireland and Huawei Technologies in China.

Eventually the companies, that are accessory to the heinous crimes committed by the use of their monitoring and tracking technology, announced they will cease provide snooping software and will not expand operation.

Yesterday Reuters reported:

“The Swedish firm Ericsson is working with Iran’s largest mobile telecom operator to expand its network and has promised to support another Iranian mobile carrier until 2021, according to interviews and an internal company document.

While Ericsson argues in the internal document that telecommunications are a “basic humanitarian service,” Iranian human rights groups say Iran’s regime has used the country’s mobile-phone networks to track and monitor dissidents.”

The amoral Ericsson executives and shareholders who keep silent should be ashamed of themselves.

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