Astrology of Sun in Azar in Sagittarius and Moon in Farvardin or Aries 2012
The Moon will move from Esfand or Pisces into Farvardin or Aries in a couple of hours. With Esfand you had to forgive and show the humble charitable side. You gave way.
With the Moon moving into Farvardin you are putting your self first. You are finished with finding yourself after others. You now state who and what you are. Act first. Be impulsive. See red. Light up. Go for it.
The Sun has just entered Azar and the Moon will be making great angles to it. It will be in the house of expression, games, gambling, children and fun. So really enjoy the moment and put yourself in the front and centre. Be the One.
Now is the time to be very strange and advanced as the Moon gets near Uranus. Bring out the eccentric in yourself. Electrify others. Be that humanitarian person who will fight the rights of the individual.
Venus has moved into Scorpio and those born in the first week of Aban will give and recieve love easily. It is a passionate sexual love. Deeply jealous and secretive. Go and explore that deep desire. Need I say more. Venus will touch with Saturn and mature relationships will flourish. Its great angles to Pluto and Mars will restart old loves.
Overall there are very good angles for all aspects of life at the moment. Make the most of it. If anything people may be a little too driven by desire and energy. There is so much to do and plan ahead. Get on with it and be number one.