Who Will Be Next Secretary of State: Ambassador Susan Rice or NIAC’s Choice : John Kerry ?

With Hillary Clinton likely to step down as secretary of state, speculation about her successor is at an all-time high. (Source: persianrealm.com)

MSNBC debate :

SIDE NOTE: According to NIAC’s president and Founder Trita Parsi’s Twitter 
John Kerry is his favorite choice for Secretary of State in replacement of Hillary Clinton :


Trita Parsi @tparsi

Please let it be @JohnKerry. America deserves him. The world needs him. We have a statesmen deficit – he would rectify that shortage …












President Obama makes a promise while debating with Mitt Romney on how to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.  

Obama: Iran won’t have a nuclear weapon :






John Kerry’s Stance on Iran






Should the U.S. talk with Iran? :





Susan Rice on Iran





Ambassador Rice, the US ambassador to the UN, shared some thoughts with RA Exceutive VP Rabbi Julie Schonfeld and RA Rabbis at AIPAC.










Former President Khatami’s views on Democracy: 


Iranian Nobel Peace Prize Shirin Ebadi speaks with NIAC’s Trita Parsi:


Recommended Reading:

Susan Rice, a risky replacement for Clinton? (France 24)

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