Worthless Palestinians

War is hell; however, some wars are more hellish than others.

Take for example the nearly two years of the total war being waged against the Syrian nation by the Syrian Battists, Messianic Islamist Rapists and their houseboy, the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Facing tanks, helicopter gunships, attack fighter/bombers, field artillery and other implements of murder in modern wars, the Syrian people have been on their own with the sane world issuing condemnations and nothing else.

While the recent eight day blood letting instigated by the Islamist Rapist armed terrorist Hamas against Israel was going on,  the continuous pogroms in Syria added another 500+ to the list of murdered making the total 40,000 +. 

At least 400 of the murdered have been Palestinians whose murder seems to have not aroused much attention, in essence making them worthless Palestinians. 

War is hell, the 8 day Gaza war was hell, and the unending nearly two years of total war in Syria is more hellish.

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