10 reasons why Mahin Bahrami is an idiot by her own logic

9-meanders all over the place and contradicts herself without slightest awareness

8-calls a provocative and divisive series of articles disguised as ‘root cause analysis’ as just her “opinion’

7-uses ‘nothing is sacred’ as a shield for her divisive ‘opinion’. Of all places on Iranian.com

6-Refers to comments on what is topic of her article and its context as “your system”

5-claims “my belief system is based on co-existence”

4-writes an incoherent and derogatory article on a person of Iranian historical distinction, disrespects a large group of Iranians believing in historic and national heritage of monarchy, and ignores a large number of comments on the topic and then loudly and ignorantly tries to teach everyone: “…What you can do, however, is to try a bit of civil and rational argument and you may have a chance in convincing me…” and “The concept of co-existence is completely alien to the Iranian psyche……Isn’t it time to break this vicious cycle?”

3-does the same thing that has been done a million times before and expects a different result; after calling the topic of her article ‘scientifically’ an idiot for it

2-be cries and bemoans, and simultaneously demonstrates the very conduct that drove her conclusion: “If the worldly experienced readers of Iranian.com…hope for the rest of Iranians in Iran nor for their children, for decades to come.”

1-sees no difference and cannot distinguish between the rapist republic and the Monarchy it replaced


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