Astrology of Sun in Azar or Sagittarius and Moon in Tir Cancer 2012.

Astrology of Sun in Azar or Sagittarius and Moon in Tir Cancer 2012.

The Moon is moving from jovial inquisitive Khordad or Gemini to empathic warm homely Tir or Cancer in an hour or so.

Time to settle down and feel your existance. Be sensitive and sensible. You will be confronted by domestic upheavals. Why because the Moon is making ninety degrees to Uranus and 180 to Pluto and Mars.

The arguments will all be centred around inheritance and tax issues with mutual investments. The best way is common sense and legal advice, as it points to Libra.

In a day or so you will find that all that will be a lot easier as the Moon will make good angles to Saturn.

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