Dr. Ali Shariati was responsible for deceiving the Iranian people and for fabricating things that never existed in Islam. I do not think that he was so stupid not to understand what he was doing. Therefore, he cannot enjoy the benefit of doubt for passing as an idiot. He was intentionally fabricating stories about Islamic issues and figures.
One of the speakers of a Conference at the “International University of Imam Khomeini” in Ghazvin in commemoration of Dr. Ali Shariati had said: “Dr. Ali Shariati believed that the Iranian society [he is talking about the society at the time of the Shah] was living in the twentieth century on the calendar, but from the qualitative point of view, it was living in the Medieval Ages.” Well, it was natural for a person who had such perception of the people of Iran to approach these people as backward masses of people that he could easily deceive by his fabrications.
It is interesting that the Mullahs of Iran came to discover his lies quicker than anybody else. Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, one of the founders of the Islamic regime of Iran who was killed in a bombing accident, called Ali Shariati a “spy”. Ayatollah Motahhari, who attended the sessions of “Hussineneh Ershad” along with Dr. Ali Shariati, spent most his time in the speeches at the same place rejecting what Shariati said. Ayatollah Khomeini never approved his words, although he was well aware of the enormous role of this demagogue in the so-called Islamic revolution. Many of the other clergies have called Dr. Ali Shariati an apostate.
Ali Shariati pretended to write history of the Islamic thoughts and figures but in fact he was only writing down his own hallucinations. He had studied in the Western countries and created a mixture of Islam and the western thinking that never existed. Glorification of some Islamic figures by Dr. Ali Shariati, along with adding substantial materials to the biography of these figures led the Iranians youngsters to believe that they could pursue a way to democracy through Islam.
The people of Iran were looking for political and civil rights and people like Ali Shariati (Engineer Bazargan and those who call themselves the national-religious groups, but if fact their name itself is an oxymoron) pushe them towards a dangerous mirage. Although the new generations of Iranians, outside and inside the country, do not give a damn about what Shariati said or wrote, but unfortunately several generations of Iranians have paid dearly (and we do not know when the suffering will end) for making a mistake in knowing their friends and foes. In fact, a quarter century of suffering under a disgusting regime has contaminated Iran so badly that even a simple secularism is not enough to clean the fate of this nation. Iran needs a periods of de-Arabization and de-Islamization to get rid of the gibberish and religious fabrications of people like Dr. Ali Shariati there were meant to deceive.